About me

You Know Me And You Don’t – Chanel’s N°5 L’eau

Crazzzzy Me......

My name is Maxine but I prefer Max, I am 24 years old and I live in Essex.  

I am a Secretary in London Full time which I enjoy very much, but my heart really does lie in the beauty world. 

My passion is Beauty & Fashion. I am completely obsessed with makeup and beauty products.. I spend sooooo many hours on Instagram finding out about new make-up that I can try out, Also searching on YouTube to watch make-up tutorials. So you will be seeing lots of my fashion tips and tutorials on make-up too. As well as my blogging on here. Ohhh && I also love dogs!!! x

But what I cant wait for is to start my YouTube channel. I seriously cannot wait to talk to you lot! and help you. Ekk!  

Keep your eyes peeled ;)

If you are a reader of this blog please feel free to get in contact with me on any of my social medias with any queries you may have, I love talking so please don't hesitate!

Thank you to each and every person who is starting to follow me on this journey, there is so much more to come!

Love, MaxCouture x


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